Data Download
- Repeatscape Data (Aug 4th, 2008)
Available Data by Species
Aug 4th, 2008
- Homo Sapience (human) hg17, hg18
- Mus Musculus (mouse) mm9
- Drosophila Melanogaster (drosophila) R5.3
- Oryzias Latipes (medaka) version1.0
Folder Structure
Data files of Repeatscape are available from the following folder:
- Base URL:
- Folder structure:
/(species name)/(sequence revision)/len(pattern length)
- File name pattern:
(chr or scaffold name)_(F: forward, R: reverse strand).tsv.tar.gz
Data Format
Repeatscape's data are provided in TSV (Tab-Separated Values) format with three columns (C0, C1, C2), each of which corresponds to a frequency count of no mismatch, one mismatch and two mismatches, respectively.